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Resource Management Act

Understanding the Resource Management Act

The RMA covers a wide range of activities, including land use, water management, air and coastal environment protection, and resource consents. It requires local authorities to develop plans and policies that guide resource use, ensuring that decisions consider the effects on the environment and the well-being of current and future generations

This could range from Noise Complaints, Abatements through to land use issues, Each requiring a researched a nuanced response to remain compliant and ensure your rights of use aren’t unlawfully infringed.

Its All In The Details

The RMA gives both regional and local authorities broad powers to control what activity can and can’t happen on lands – from district plan changes, through to bylaw’s enacted under authority of the RMA. Like any action taken by a council correct process and procedure must be followed and there are several avenues available to challenge a determination, infringement or direction.

Experienced and Knowledgable

With experience within Local and Regional government realms with a focusing on enforcement. Provides the expertise to ensure correct process and procedure has been followed.

Client Education

Educate clients on the legal process, potential outcomes, and the importance of full cooperation to build a strong defense.

What Can I Do Now

If you have had an interaction with a Enforcement Officer and you believe you have been mistreated, had your rights breached or just want to be sure that everything was done legally. We are hear to help: to ensure your best chance of success should an unlawful action have taken place we suggest.

Record your account of the interaction

As soon as the officer has left write down what was said, the actions taken, details about the officer, what they allege, and any documents they left with you.

Photograph or record the officer and interactoin

You have the right to record any interaction you are party too and there is no requirement to advise you are recording

Remain Silent

Other than the specified information there is no requirement to provide a statement, your side or an account of any alleged offence – in fact many times this information will be used against you.

Seek Assitance Early

Contact the CAB, a Lawyer, councilor or us early in the process to ensure fair and legal treatement.

Completion of Rehabilitation Programss

Taking proactive steps towards personal improvement is key in DUI/DWI defense. Participation in alcohol education programs, counseling,

“Adversity is the catalyst for change. In the face of challenges, we discover our strength, resilience, the remarkable capacity.”

Adman Dube

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