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Holding authorities to account For You

We Understand the Complexity of
statutory law. You're in Capable Hands.

About Us

Compassionate Advocates for Those Facing injustice and persecution

We understand the daunting task of taking on a local or regional authority, many whom believe they have unchecked power. However the legal system provides many checks and balances to ensure your rights are protected

We believe in open and honest communication. From the moment you reach out to us, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, research your sitution and ensure the authoirty has acted within the bounds of legislation. We know every sitution is unique, as such we tailor a personalized strategy designed to achieve the best outcome.

Fighting for you

Advocating for your rights

Dog Control Act

Being accused of breaching the DCA can have serious consequences, including fines, removal of your dog, disquilfication and impounding fees. Our team can ensure the Authority has acted within the confines of Act for any action taken.

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Resource Management Act

Whether you're being accused of a noise nuisance, discharge to air or land or change of use, contact us to ensure you and the council are operating within the law.

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Council's have the restricted ability to pass secondary legilstaion, to enforce this legislation a number of elements must have been meet. The council word along is not enough.

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Parking Enforcement

No one likes a parking ticket, and although you may have bene in the wrong. There are legislative requirements that must be meet for the infringement to be valid

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Building Control

Council have the authoirty to issue notice to fix, and stop work notices, however the burden of proof requires them to prove there claim, not for you to disprove.

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Employment Concerns

There are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth. We advocate for employees to ensure your rights aren't infringed.

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Trusted & Experienced


Unlawful determintions overturned


Pre Court Resolution Rate

Why Choose Us

Trusted, Experienced, Profesionals

We act in an advocaticy and support role with the ability to resolve most issues before the courts need to be involved,However should a matter require Judicail Review or challenging in the District Court we partner with practicing counsel who seek to act in the public interest removing the finaincal burden that is often attached when challenging an authority.

  • Expertise You Can Trust
  • Fighting For The Little Guy
  • Ensuring Uniform Justice and Enforcement